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Kamis, 26 Juni 2008

Hadiah untuk Fitri Wulandari

Kamis, Juni 26, 2008 Posted by Tito 2 comments

[she named her self Lulapaloza, a gifted young girl who's born 26th June, 24 years a go. Everyone who already know him would agreed that she not some ordinary/typically kind a girl, everything that she does, she think of, she write of, she drawn on her old sketch book,what she said... it's full of passion of creativity and Inspired all. you will know her at Ula, a young girl who believe that we were connected somehow in a previous life, and it's still happen till now.Today is her Birthday In this special day of her i want to say
"happy b'loved birthday Fitri Wulandari, I pray all the best for you. Hope that you would get all your dreams, your dream house, your dream child, your dream future life, your polaroid"
and hope that universe still connecting us, anyhow, anywhrere, anytime, and forever"
:) ]


- beruang-

.ps that poster above was her gift from , 2006 b'day sorry this year i can't made of something for you :( a young girl i mention above now become a young woman. catch her

2 komentar:

  1. speechless...all that words feels too much but it feels good. mungkin mental ku masih mental orang Indonesia jajahan ya, masih wagu saat mendengar puji-pujian..hehehe. btw, revisi sedikit ya mas ito, my previous blogs address was www.lulapaloza.blogspot. com.

    this is my first cyber gift anyway.

    merci beacoup.

    hope my happiness will be yours too

  2. well learn to get used to it..hehehehe betewe sorry, i revised it....


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