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Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Friend Ship

Rabu, Februari 29, 2012 Posted by Tito , No comments
If I have a boat, I named it 'FRIEND' Not a big boat, just a Little vessel, winding in the ocean of life, help me trough the storms, A place that where I can see the nightly sky, and A boat that give me a reason to go on, when there is no wind on the ocean of life. Friendship.
ajek with bearbook

I'm a Introvert LvL: 9. yes, I don't have a lot of friends. but I know a lot of people. But I just have no more than 3 Number that I often to dial. Just no more than 3 ID to buzzzz!! 

but, is more than enough. All of them fill me up. All of them is enough for me. 
A true friend (my true friend) texting me asking which is good? CANON or NIKON. in the middle of nowhere.
after 3 months lost of contact. as simple as that. 

True friend is Not bringing the BS (bullshit) line opening. Asking how are you, tell how good is your blog or something. no. they just say it. and me.. will reply it at that moment.

Is good be an introvert person. Nothing to bother if going somewhere.. alone. 

This is what I need. A friend in the real meaning. 

I love a little boat I have 
It called "Friend" I have A little FriendShip

*that Pic is MMS from my crew of My FriendShip, telling that her son want her read a book I gave. 
and the reason  why I post this.

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