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Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

You know you are old when browsing 90's hitlist

Kamis, Februari 16, 2012 Posted by Tito , No comments
So.. from the earliest post, talkin about Age. hmm this post still got to do with the themes...
Aniwey, someone ask me something "Eh, minta lagu mp3 donk, mana folder music lu?" 
I show him, and he reply "Ga ada lagu baru?" hmm.. I stood for a sec. A new song? blank!
"Duh gw ga tau lagu2 baru" And that make me realize.. I don't listen a new songs, domestic or non domestic music. wew.. and that is true. my Ipod fill with old and rare songs, some of them is cover or acoustic and live version of song that created at 90's . ck ck ck

And today, I've got my new earphone.. and this 30 thousand IDR earphone is best buy! after a long hunting for a good decent earphone, this one is fit. Samsung EP-375. Not so much expensive but this is good for audiophile kere (kere hore)

and one thing lead to another. today I starting to fill my ipod. and I'm stuck up. fill with what? so..
Me, googling with the keyword "90's hit" and this is the result ladies and gentlement. Feel fresh, feel good.
You know what, Music Industries dying is not because of piracy.. Maybe It just It sucks! yeah Today music is sucks in every way you hear it... oh, these day i listen to a radio I-radio, morning show with Mba putri (pendongeng) dan rafiq (MC) they good. but, I getting ear bleed when I heard in a row. KLa song cover. in SUCK way.. what the... hmm.. can't you artist music create a song!? is there no more Ahmad dhani, Beby romeo, Mely goslaw in this era?! shit. not just civilitation gone bad. Music too .. hmmm.. 

well, I've been lucky living in 90's era, so I can listen a good music for the soul. 
check it..

Hmm.. I've got a Omnimusic-genre-Taste isn't ? hehe.. that is my playlist!  let's njoy it together if you like. cheers. 

Tips for this post: Don't buy 1 million IDR Headphones for listen 64kbps shitty mp3 file!

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