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Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

Updated to 3.0

Rabu, Februari 15, 2012 Posted by Tito 1 comment

Being 30 something.

Starting to look at my age... thirty. let's say something about being 30. 
In software industries, There is an update, Major update and Minor update. Let say, Windows. Windows Major update 2.0 to 3.0 and the minor update is 3.0 to 3.1. The diferent is, Minor update just fix some bugs (trouble, error such a thing) and the major update is fix the bugs and give a new features. it's called Change Log. The list of the new things that bring on the updates.
And me, I got this update. 3.0 (three point o) what this update bring? what the Change Log?
Sure, I fix some bugs. a lot a bugs. 
here is my change log:
3.0 update:Fixed a critical bug where I was procratinator 
Reduced Weight
Waking up @ dawn 
Major Bugs fix: More patient
Financial Bugs Fixed
Faith Major Updates Bug fix

Well, that is some change log, But I just not sure what the different, someone else can judge me on that.
And, this time I've got updated to 3.0.5, yeah a minor of a minor update. Some update for Love bugs :p 

30 is something, the moment when you can hear someone said : 
"I though you not 30 yet"  give you a little smile on that :)
the akward moment that when you think about 10 years a go you think of 90's instead 2000. 
and The moment you can say "I remember this when I was in my 20s" 

30 is a rockin year. and I never felt better than this. God, Thanks for let me keep updating. 
See you for another 10 years for the major update!

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