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Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

Fight Club

Rabu, Mei 19, 2010 Posted by Tito No comments
Got a package today! 
Fight Club 'book' - well is not a book exactly. just a Print out paper PDF version of the novel!

Fight Club. great film! even Fred Drust watch it 20 times..
and someone shout @ me... 
"You better and a must read the Book! I mean Read it, not watch it!... it's great!"
that was a long time a go.  and I didn't find any of that book :(  and then she promises to send it one copies for me... and I got it today... after a simple reminder... 

I love this movies, I'm Watching it 5 times. 3 times in a row.  well, I'm not write the previews or reviews! it or better! watch it on your own... and one words about it  BRILLIANT
And not for long, I'm going to find out that even the real Novel better than the movies. awesome!
I wonder, why theres none of the Local Publisher who Translated this book? is it any? or is it me who doesn't aware of that?
well, i don't care, I'm able to read it the real thing right know!
Put into the list "the thing I must read/watch before I die": "Fight Club"

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