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Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

Novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

Selasa, Mei 08, 2012 Posted by Tito , , 4 comments
Detail Produk
ISBN: 9789791992633
Maret 2010
Penerbit: Mahda Books 
Ukuran: 13x20
Halaman: 440
Bahan: HVS
Berat: 440 gram

First I watch the movies, and the result is, The movies is nice.. indeed, IMDB star is not so great, only 6/10. but you should see this film your self. And, one thing lead to another. I found out that this was a Novel adaptation. A novel by Jonathan Safran Foer. So, I Wondering, the book maybe awesome. because in the film I'm having a lot of missing a details. so I search the book. And the book is not available on any bookstore. And one day I find it on the On line bookstore. And the price is 15 000 IDR. wondering why? The real price of this book is 60 000 IDR. So. I order it one, Find out is it real price or they just put  the price tag wrong. 3 days later. the book arrived! wew.... what a good price for 440 pages! and good cover too. 

And I read it, Ms Yogi was rite. The book is so much noise... Oscar(the main character) is such a noisy kid, He ask about everything, Tell about everything, wondering about everything. so if you read it, and does not get use too read this kind of storyline, you might be end it up bored. but for me. I like it. Jonathan is a really creative writer. And, You must watch the film. definitely.

No, I don't give a sypnosis. you just have to find out yourself. Don't be a lazyinetscumbag.

Instead  I portalized you to the great review that I found. 
click here ->

4 komentar:

  1. itu harganya temporary gak? atau masih tetep segitu? kalo masih, aku mauuu... pesenin dong satu. serius ini.

    1. Lah, kemarin katanya masih bnyak buku ngantri...
      aku kasi linknya ya nti, beli dari sana langsung, soalnya member ga bsa kirim ke alamat lain.

  2. Balasan
    1. here is the link,


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